Welcome Village of Indian Head Park Residents and Small Businesses!
The Village is pleased to inform you we are continuing our Electric Aggregation program. The program features Green Energy for residents and small businesses who have not previously selected another power supplier. The Village will receive Renewable Energy Certificates from generation sources such as wind and recycled energy to match a portion of the aggregation’s residential and small commercial electricity load. This program promotes a cleaner environment and Indian Head Park will be designated an EPA Green Power Community.
The Village currently offers an 'opt out' electric municipal aggregation program to all residential and qualified small businesses from May 2021 to May 2024. The program will be administered by Eligo Energy IL, LLC, a leading electricity supplier located in Chicago. For all eligible members of this program, the green energy rate will always be equal to ComEd’s residential price* with one very important difference – the aggregation customers’ energy usage will be offset by renewable energy!
There are no enrollment, switching, or early termination fees. Eligible customers will either be supplied by ComEd or Eligo, depending on their usage profiles. All eligible customers will pay the same rate, regardless of whether they are supplied by ComEd or Eligo. Those customers that will be supplied by Eligo need do nothing to participate; an eligible account will be automatically enrolled unless opted out.
As a Indian Head Park resident or small business owner, you should have recently received one of three letters from the Village:
You will be enrolled with Eligo Energy at your May 2021 meter read date; no other changes. The way you pay your ComEd bill will not change. You will continue to pay at exactly the ComEd rate.
You will continue to receive one monthly bill from ComEd and will still be eligible for the same programs through ComEd, such as Budget Billing, payment agreements, and energy efficiency programs. The only change will be in the Electric Supply price on the ComEd bill – https://www.comed.com/MyAccount/MyBillUsage/Pages/UnderstandingMyBill.aspx.
Once your account is enrolled, you will receive a confirmation letter from ComEd confirming your switch to Eligo. Approximately 30 to 45 days after enrollment, you will receive your first ComEd bill to reflect Eligo as your supplier at exactly the ComEd rate.
Opt-out only if you do not want to participate in the Indian Head Park green electric municipal aggregation program. Although Indian Head Park is offering this program, we ask that rather than calling the Village, you direct specific aggregation program questions to Eligo at (708) 300-9324. You may also opt out of the program by e-mailing IndianHeadParkOptOut@eligoenergy.com or by completing and mailing the opt out form included with your letter within 21 days of mailing.
Your energy usage will be offset by the purchase of Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) as part of the aggregation program. However, you will remain with your current electricity supplier unless you choose to proactively opt in to the program.
To opt in to the program please call Eligo Energy at (708) 300-9324.
*(Price to Compare + Purchased Electricity Adjustment - www.pluginillinois.org/FixedRateBreakdownComEd.aspx)
Municipal aggregations are groups of customers, or entire communities that unite to pool, or aggregate their energy buying power. By pooling their buying power and negotiating the price of power from a supplier other than the traditional utility, municipal aggregations can often save participants money on their electricity bills and help them obtain renewable energy certificates and civic grants. ComEd is still be responsible for delivering that power to your home, responding to outages, and billing you for it.
Headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, Eligo Energy is a licensed electricity supplier in the states of Illinois, Maryland, Michigan, Massachusetts, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Texas, the District of Columbia, and Connecticut. We offer residential and business customers green products and an opportunity to save on their electrical costs by choosing us as their electricity supplier.
The current price to compare can be found at www.pluginillinois.org/FixedRateBreakdownComEd.aspx. This is comprised of electricity supply and transmission services. In addition, the ComEd effective rate includes a Purchased Electricity Adjustment (PEA) that varies monthly. The same identical ComEd rate, including the PEA charge or credit, will be charged to all participants in the Indian Head Park Community Aggregation, whether enrolled with Eligo or whether receiving supply service via ComEd. To learn more about electric rates, visit www.pluginillinois.org, a site created by the Illinois Commerce Commission to inform ratepayers.
Renewable Energy Certificates (“RECs”) are proof that electricity was generated from renewable electricity and was fed into the shared electrical grid. Renewable Energy Certificates provide a mechanism for the purchase of renewable energy that is added to and pulled from the electrical grid. 1 REC = 1 MWh of electricity (1,000 kWh).
Renewable energy is derived from wind generators, industrial heat recovery facilities, solar, hydro, and methane gas from landfills. Nuclear and natural gas are not considered renewable /green resources for power generation.
The power grid maintained by ComEd that serves your community cannot route specific power directly to your home. Those who purchase green power typically pay a premium to support green energy through the purchase of RECs. RECs subsidize the cost of those renewable generation facilities. However, through this program, you will never pay more than the ComEd rate for your power.
When a power supplier sells a green energy product in the marketplace, that supplier is required to purchase and retire RECs to support their green products. The supplier must document and report those transactions. Once the RECs are purchased and retired through the tracking system, a report will be provided to the Village.
During the initial three-week opt out period, you need do nothing if you received a notice at your ComEd billing address; you will automatically be enrolled unless you opt out, or your account may have been selected to remain with ComEd service. The notice will detail whether your account will be switched to ComEd or to Eligo.
Any resident or small business ratepayer who is currently with ComEd and has not switched to an Alternative Supplier in a private contract, who is not enrolled in ComEd’s hourly rate (RRTP) program, or who does not have solar panels registered in a net metering program is automatically eligible. If you are currently under your own private contract with another supplier, you may take action to join to support the Village’s Green Aggregation Program. Effective January 1, 2020, no supplier may ever change the ratepayer an early termination fee to vacate a supplier contract.
You may opt out before the program begins. You may also leave the program at any time during the 36-month term, and you will never incur a fee.
A Municipal Electric Aggregation Program was approved by a simple majority in a November 2012 voter Referendum allowing the Village to seek pricing from an alternative supplier for residents and small commercial accounts. The Village is committed to environmental sustainability, and in this instance, there is zero additional cost to procure green energy for the Village’s residents.
Yes, you will continue to receive a single bill from ComEd and make one payment. ComEd will continue to read your meter, the only difference you'll see on your electric bill is that Eligo Energy will be listed on the supply portion of your bill. You will continue to contact ComEd for any billing or service questions or if your power ever goes out.
If you should ever need to contact Eligo you can email us at customerservice@eligoenergy.com or call us at 708-300-9324. Our customer service group is available Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM.Always call ComEd with reports of outages or downed power lines at 800-334-7661.
Yes, you can later leave the program.There is never an early termination fee to leave.
No. If you currently are eligible to receive assistance via PIPP or LIHEAP, that status will not be affected by this program and you can continue to receive these benefits for your ComEd bill.
Your participation in the budget billing plan won’t change. The way you pay your ComEd bill will not change.
No one from Eligo Energy or your municipality will ever visit your home to sign you up for electricity services or call you to enroll.
Please see the Environmental Disclosure Statement and Terms and Conditions.
Copyright ©️ 2013-2019 Eligo Energy, LLC or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Electricity or Gas Supplier License/Order No.: Connecticut:Docket No. 14-09-11, 14-09-11RE01;District of Columbia:Order No. 17156, Docket EA2013-05;Illinois:Order No. 13-0293, 15-0074;Massachusetts:CS-164;Maryland:IR-2839, IR-4137;Michigan:Case No. U-17697, U-17814;New Jersey:ESL-0179, GSL-0155;New York:ESCO Code: ELIG, Matter No. 14-02554;Ohio:Certificate No. 12-578E, 14-399G, Case No. 12-2571-EL-CRS, 14-1903-GA-CRS;Pennsylvania:Application No. A-2014-2433211, A-2014-2433262;Texas:Certificate No. 10246